F.m.m.j foundation :Foundation Mather developpement society

F.m.m.j foundation :Foundation Mather developpement society


   FMMJ FOUNDATION is a non-profit organization created since 2020 by Pastor Yves mulume mutima, survivor of war and armed conflicts from the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo to North KivuThe objective of FMMJ is to heal, 

Our theory of change

FMMJ foundation is a women's organization c led by refugee women in Malawi. It was created in 2020 following the problem that had affected the world

restore hope, contribute to building new hope for resilient and self-sufficient communities, and promote sustainable development by empowering the most vulnerable through adapted solutions. through our sustainable programs. FMMJ aims to improve lives in the sub-Saharan region of Africa due to the daily increase in the number of marginalized individuals, families and communities victims of war, armed conflict, climate change, food crisis, poverty, pandemic and natural disasters. . It is our responsibility to act and find a solution by undertaking projects that change people's lives and seeking donors who provide us to currently operate at the Dzaleka refugee camp in Malawi. we help single women and widows and their refugee children to  integrate into society more quickly and more securely activities :

our soap making project and training in sewing and other trades and the distribution of food for elderly people. We fight against gender-based violence that occurs in the Refugee Camp when women lack what to do for a living, we train them to acquire different skills and give them the means to move forward. So far, we have trained more than 150 women and distributed school supplies to 143 refugee children thanks to donations and legacies we have provided 4 temporary accommodation houses to more than 4 people who have refugee children under 10 years old and we we have made more than 7,000 women aware of the same need at the Dzaleka refugee camp which contains more than 60,000 people. we wrote women-led organization to help us have a positive impact on more lives fmmj foundation does not yet have any partners

 with other organizations such as UNHCR, ...


We implement projects here in Malawi at the Dzaleka camp. Other sources of our funds are income from soap making


asks for help for women who have just given birth and often they fall ill where the babies and for lack of appropriate care she finds illness, stillbirths, and other unmarried mothers n they do not have the capacity to take care of themselves and are often abandoned by their family; they need help

Fmmj with its program Mama na maendeleyo ya jamii is there to support women's Widows and single Mathers 


Budget Proposal

Project title : Foundation mama na maendeleyo ya jamii

the soap project is such a quality and beneficial project for our community it is an Impact in the Dzaleka refugee camp at the moment which affects a large sofa for its basic need the soap has become expensive and our first objective is to reduce the price of soap and create employment for 150 widowed women, single women, and distribute it to elderly people if necessary

Implementing partner : Fmmj women's  

Project category : livelihood project

Project site : dzaleka refugee camp

Project outset : immediate

Target group : refugees and Host community

Time : evry day ( monday - friday)

Budget proposal 2025: 3,200$ = 8.4000.000MK

Impact of our project 

We are delighted by this announcement

Fmmj foundation : women's development and family is an organization at the refugee camp affecting the life of the family of women  parents live in poverty and are unable to study, eat and lack of care appropriate

Soap making 


Our production

Our production

Building on a legacy

FMMJ foundation has the ambition to reframe power in philanthropic practice, by showing that this is possible in life because we consider that women are weak, we put girls at the heart of the distribution of resources and the practices of granting funds. grants so that girls and single mothers can define and determine themselves in life and in service of their own visions, goals and dreams of freedom. We draw on feminist principles of solidarity, reciprocity and collective learning to reimagine what it means to hold resources for a movement, in a strong relationship with girls, accompanied by a deep duty of accountability to them.

Sport in dzaleka refugee camp : 

fmmj foundation with its sports disciple has a football team at the Dzaleka Camp football is a discipline which brings together the majority and all social strata Fmmj appreciates the contribution of young talents in the field of sport to the growing development of peace in the refugee camp through the tolerance and respect it advocates, to the empowerment of women in sport and young people under 17 years old for the achievement of goals everything for sport to combat stress in the refugee camp, health, education and social inclusion 

Mobilisation funds


Honey is human food at stake by bees which form an essential link in natural ecosystems, and also in agriculture. beekeeping in Malawi by allies to conserve nature in Malawi They constitute pollinators for crops FMMJ Foundation launches into beekeeping, According to the Food and Agriculture

 Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 75% of food crops in the world depend on pollination, and bees alone represent a factor pollination of nearly 70% of food crops according to Greenpeace.

For example, they are the source of 95% of seed production and 85 to 90% of strawberry production. This is why Fmmj foundation in nature conservation is launching its own honey hunt which is also essential for the production of fruit trees, many trees needing to be pollinated by another variety to be able to produce.


Fmmj foundation Setting up a broiler farming project can be a lucrative and rewarding opportunity for the 150 widowed women who were farming but finding chemical fertilizers is becoming a problem in Malawi with the rise in price they profit However the waste for Good preparation and in-depth knowledge of the process are essential for farming success and profit. In this project she becomes an expert in the field, we have prepared a complete plan in order to set up a successful broiler breeding project.


Fmmj foundation: gives rise to strong mobilizations, and facilitates direct communication through its program and social networks for a strong message to uplift women in their community. Little by little, women's voices are being freed. Beyond the repression of violence, the politics of difficult life in the refugee camp. Fmmj foundation prevention programs involve action against stereotypes about women in all areas...


1 )  Widows

2 ) single Mathers

3 ) GBV 

4 ) Elders 

5 ) Orphans

6 ) sports 

7 ) agriculture

8 ) soap making

9) developpement 

10) HONEY BEES project

Fmmj objectifs

Our objectives have not changed for several years. In addition, fmmj foundation does not always have easy access to undertake the required local procedures but we find people with good will.

- Fmmj trains people to find job opportunities for self-financing.

In some cases, it cannot achieve its objectives without the participation of partners.

- Transparency in contributions ;

- Predictability of revisions and adjustments to prevailing needs ;

- Balance, equality and consistency between members

- Guarantee any negative and immoral impact that can destroy the direct benefits for the realization of the project

- Recognition that a stable and fairly paid workforce to better serve the needs of people who are involved in fmmj foundation projects

seek the well-being of everyone everyone has the right to education Fmmj foundation stands behind vulnerable and disabled people

Together we Can

Together we Can

Women's developpement and family

Women's developpement and family

Our parteners


+265 887 11 18 54


+1 (702) 494-8211


+41 79 307 50 91

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